(13) I don’t have Triskaidekaphobia!

I’m becoming very impatient and emotional as this part of my journey wraps up.  I am grateful for countless things, the least of which is not the decision to double up on treatments.  Doing this for 3 more weeks would make me crazy (crazier). But unlike the brave folks all around me who are also surviving chemo, this has mainly been a psychological strain.

I could say I’ve been lucky, but actually I’ve been very diligent about doing every single thing possible to minimize side effects and maximize the success of my treatment, including jumping up and down on trampoline for 30 minutes every day this week.  I’ve only missed one day going to the gym, I’ve juiced every single day, and I’ve used the remedies for my side effects (skin burn, nausea, swelling) as prescribed and those have been minimal.  I’ve kept my chin up, and I haven’t passed out one time from any of my blood draws.  Yeah me!

In about an hour, I will complete my 13th treatment day.  26 visits and I still don’t glow in the dark.

On the yardstick of problems though, my lymphoma is only occupying about a foot.  I am also removing 15+ years of accumulated “stuff” from my space at Suburban Plaza pretty much by myself.  My dear friends Scott and Ray came by Monday evening and we got about 10% of my office packed.  And because of the rain here, there have been no amigos at Home Depot to hire, so I ended up loading and unloading all those boxes by myself.

I rented an enclosed trailer today so I can move boxes even with the forecasted torrential rains.  I’m pacing myself, resting often, and continuously visualizing August 2013 – no rent payments, no cancer, and a wonderful new space to organize and beautify!

Last word from the Dr. is that tonight will be my last treatment until resumption on Monday morning, July 8.  So wish me luck and send me strength for the big move.  And if you live in ATL and can help out (even a little), please call me.  I’ll try to blog on Monday.

Thanks for checking on me!

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